Sunday, March 16, 2008

Can Democracy be in the Church?

What was the very basic fundamental of church? I am no theologian and you don't need to be one to understand about why we go to church. Church is the very act of fellowship. Church is a group of people coming together to remember, encourage, comfort, study, learn, feast & to love one another. Its the perfect time of friendship and subordination. Every fellowship has an elder who, like a shepherd, has been appointed to 'watch over the flock'. Thus the role of the Pastor who now holds that responsibility. They are like the father figure of a congregation.

That was the process. No where in the Bible, that says the people elected a Pastor. Of course like Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigning for their primaries or the National Front campaigning for power, I never read anything about such campaigns to be elected by the people. Thats why, I feel the mainline denominations is seriously in denial about their grave error. They have incorporated democratic principles into a simple and innocent congregation. The church is an organism and not a politically driven institution. Christianity is not any religion and cannot be associated with any ecumenical movement. We are known as Christians only through Jesus Christ. There are no guidelines and methods as well as rituals which governs the way every individual worships Him. Jesus has thought us the proper way already.

What gives the right to the congregation to create political factions in a Church? What gives them a right to vote a pastor out just because of a disagreement. After all Pastor is human, and yes, he would have made some blunders. Why so quick to judge a man-of God? What kind of person, would write a letter to a Pastor, asking him to resign because he shouts a lot and giving false teaching, but attached no single evidence of such an act? I go to the same church and honestly I am no critique or anyone important there. Yes I noticed Pastor can be a little carried away when he is passionate about something (if only everyone was passionate about their faith), but I have seen, and heard no false teaching whatsoever. Trust me, I would have known if there was any and so will others but I seriously don't think the Holy Spirit is a spirit of confusion.

If the congregation decides to do this, then they are not following the very precepts which Jesus has already died for over 2000 years ago. This simply means they are anti-christs! Writing poison letters, being power crazy, having their family members monopolising all church positions and worst of all, being insubordinate. Its any employers nightmare and equally for Pastors. The difference is, Pastors aren't employers per-say. They are leaders. He grooms others for leadership and the leadership grooms others to take over their leadership positions.

YOu see, the trouble with this congregation, some think they are told by God to do this, and some or one of them would think that he or she is also obeying God on certain matters. The joke is, all their so-called 'instructions from God,' are in conflict with each other! The devil is surely having a laughing session somewhere. Sigmund Freud is being proven here. Most of them are governed by their own selfish agenda., thinking the more they do, the more they feel that they are on a right path to Heaven and receiving prosperity. Sadly to say, that is a residual pagan belief.

So, how should things be? In the end, we should see things from a child's perpective. Sometimes, it pays not to know a lot. I think, God would agree with me on this one. The tree of good and evil surely didn't help. We need strong medicine for problems like these. Jesus, gave strong medicine and got away with it. He was stern to the Pharisees, drove out the worldly traders out of the temple. Jesus became violent for a moment there. That was actually very mild, considering that the Son of God could have vaporized them all just by thinking about it. Thats the power of mercy. Timing has always been the crucial factor. Jesus was the personification of the perfect timing. He did what he did at the right time.

When can the medicine be administered to? Soon, but effectively. We need to wait. A child like faith would not condone such acts of disobedience. The answer then, is obvious. These factions in Church is heading towards their calamity if they have their way. Our Pastor isn't panicking about nor he is angry. He is simply acting in obedience. He will surely move on. But as for those people who engineered all this, they will be judged by God.
We find peace & strength in the Lord's sanctuary as well as in His presence. In times of trouble we have His assurances. So whats the difference? Either way, we can always find peace which God gives. So what can we gain by just being among ourselves, listening to messages, fellowship, attending conferences and etc but not actually sharing the Good News with others?

Truly the church is in a state of 'constipation'. Everyone is spiritually fat and no one is exercising. There are 2 extremes. Its either spiritually fat, or spiritually anorexic. The anorexic ones are the unstable ones. They are always impatient, NEVER submitting to leadership (Pastor 'feeds' them but they throw up, almost everytime) & very stubborn. Spiritually fat on the other hand, just sit there, enjoy all the sensations, go to all ministries & visits but does absolutely nothing and never acts on the what they have learned.

Come to think of it, I noticed some are not fat. They are in fact obese!

Greetings in Jesus Name

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