Sunday, November 2, 2008


A few days ago, my brother in-law called me and told me about seven Columbian youths who were taken to Hell and back. I thought,' yeah, just like some sensational story which I heard before'. 2 days ago, I actually read their testimonies. Today, I am still reading them. Before I read their testimony, I thought I was doing alright, I thought I was okay and I thought I knew about life and gifted in discernment, able to justify 'white lies' & fleshly pleasures. Now, after reading their testimonies and researching similar experiences by many others, I realized that everything I thought to be right, turned out to be wrong.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."
Isaiah 55:8 KJV

I was filled with great conviction about the double life I have lead. A great conviction it was, that I was convicted by the Holy Spirit for all my disobedience and was reminded that the more I continue in that path, I am in danger of backsliding.

I knew now, there is time and the opportunity to set things right before God. I really want to be part of Heaven and for that to happen we must be on the side of Truth. There is no greater Truth other than the One who died for our Sins. Because of Jesus, We have this opportunity. We must not wait till its too late. The testimonies of the 7 youths really shook me. Immediately i confessed my sins to God and prayed for His advice as to which direction I should take.

Brothers and Sisters, we all knew and what is worse, is that we wilfully sinned again and again! This time unlike other times, such testimonies openend my eyes because again, the Holy Spirit is rescuing us from eternal Death. I realized that nothing on Earth really matters now. No riches, pleasures of this world can comfort us. Nothing can save us from Hell if we choose the wrong path. PLEASE choose the right path. Let's strive to be HOLY.

Here are the links to the testimonies of the 7 Columbian kids and other individuals.

Please read them! We are should know, and for your information, this is all over the internet.

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