Saturday, December 27, 2008


Brothers and Sisters, our Church is a Church of appointed by God for the purpose of helping our our Indian brothers and sisters. I am certain of it as this church has so much history. Unfortunately, whats included in history is scandalous politics. What a shame. A group of selfish senior members conspired to oust a Pastor whose only crime is being passionate in his teachings/ministry. Never have I encountered a situation whereby this group has the audacity to create so much rift and dissension among the believers. I just don't understand why must they be that way. Jesus was very clear in His teachings about unity in the body of Christ, discipleship and the crucial roles church elders play in the church. These few, are obviously in error. The worst is the 'church worker' who obviously think himself as a VIP who assumed that he has the authority persecute a Pastor. I can safely say, these methods are not of God.

That church worker, performed horribly throughout the year. Treating the place of worship as a home is good but not to the extent of controlling everything. How can this body of Christ develop and grow spiritually when certain individuals (elders) are the types who refuse to be corrected. The Church Executive chairman probably thinks he is right all along about his judgments but in actual truth, have no control over anything. He is a man without a vision. Truly Blind. What is worse is, a very obvious snob and the most obnoxious person I have met. He thinks he is 'Ceylonese' or some high caste, high society finance manager. The problem with those who claim themselves a Ceylonese and not Indians, is that they are so 'centuries ago' and still living with a feudal belief. I have no description or neither can I find in any dictionary of how foolish this person is. Every word that he utters is sarcasm. When he apologizes, one needs to decipher it! Gosh! I am no saint but this, what can u say to this! A self proclaimed chairman, oops, elected chairman! A True politician! (sorry about this rantings, I was upset and had every right to be)

I have never seen such power struggle in the church such as this place. I felt so helpless. I kept blaming myself for my mistakes. Yes, my mistake is that I should have done something before. Maybe I shouldn't have been so naive. I should have realized all this ages ago. But I thought about all this then I asked myself, then what? Does this mean I have the answers. Because If I thought I did, then i am no different from those hypocrites. Jesus has the answers. He had them all along. But very often what Jesus has to say is never comfortable to hear. He would wanted them to be humble and submit to one another. Nope that never took place.

He would have wanted us to turn the other cheek. Nope that never took place. He would have wanted the pastor whom He had appointed to lead the church, to be respected. Nope, no never took place. Jesus would have wanted the LCEC to be more transparent and to work with integrity. Nope, they would have approved bonus and salary increment to a useless, unreliable, kniving and sinister church worker.

Many attributes Our Lord Jesus would have wanted us to practice in the church did not take place but these hypocrites had the audacity to worship God every Sunday. They conspired, destroyed a Pastor's career and formed they own political group all within the church. I wonder, can they see themselves and what they are doing? Do they realise the grievous sin they have committed by doing these things? I am not perfect but I will not stoop down so low. I believe in professional conduct and honouring God's law especially in a church.

Sigh, you know what? If a child sees all this happening, what would the child think?

Seeing all this with simplicity, does remind me, that truly the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to Children.

I confess, although I am frustrated by all this, I am certain of one thing. Good people do not finish last. The Last will be First and the first, will be last.

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